Yesterday I posed the question whether there is a
connection between Human Abduction by 'UFO's' and beings from those craft, and
if so, what is the connection. This question takes into account that there
is such a thing as alien abduction of humans, and animal
Skeptics claim that alien abductions is simply sleep
paralysis, and animal mutilations are simply predators consuming certain parts
of a dead animal. Check out THIS interesting post on cattle
This blog is called Authentic UFO's because I try to be skeptical
and will only post (I hope) what I consider to be authentic, and if I think
there may be another explanation, I try to state those views, even if I disagree
personally, or quote the person who states the view.
My personal belief is that there are animal and even human
mutilations; and that alien abduction, especially at night while a person is
awake and in isolated places (such as the Benny and Barney Hill story, Travis
Walton - see pic, and others) are likely to be real experiences and not
hallucinations. This based on what is stated in the Jewish Talmud written about
2000 years ago. In an isolated place, these aliens (whoever they may be) may
even attack and abduct more than one person or even a group.
They are unlikely to attack where there is light and people in
groups are usually safe unless 'in their territory' i.e. in isolated
People claim to be abducted from their homes and even in big
cities such as New York. It may be possible that this is sleep paralysis, but
maybe its really happening. After all, the abduction experience has common
threads running through the story - so if its a dream or even sleep paralysis,
how could everyone have the same identical scenario. There are many other
reasons why it may well be a real experience. Take
for example implants that have been found by Dr. Lier and others and
surgically removed. These may be tracking devices or serve some other
purpose such as reporting on changes in the body. Now it may not necessarily be
that the person is taken from their location into a space ship or UFO - if they
are inter-dimensional beings, perhaps they can do this while the
person is in their bed and they are experiencing this other dimension. Or
perhaps it does happen that they are removed from their bedrooms and possibly
other people in the apartment or house are dealt with by making them unable to
move, as some have reported. Some report finding themselves in bed with signs
that they have been outside, such as feet covered in mud or leaves in the bed.
The most common sign is lost time, where a person suddenly finds themselves in
another place, almost as if they moved instantaneously, but its two or more
hours later and they have no recollection of what has happened. In addition,
many people tell these stories under hypnosis (which may or may not
be reliable, but certainly seems to be fairly reliable). Others have
passed lie detector tests, and some have failed, such as Jeff Peckman, who I
personally feel is a hoaxer, but others are entitled to disagree. Most UFO
abductee's experience high strangeness. There have been reports of neighbors
seeing strange lights inside an abductee's home on a night they were supposedly
abducted. Many abductee's suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which
indicates that something serious and frightening happened. Most people
talk of the feeling of fear which seems to be induced by the experience.
Scientists were able to create similar feelings by using magnetic forces on the
brain. Many people become abductee's after seeing a UFO, which could mean they
are tagged somehow for later use. In the USA one scientist found that animals
were coated with an ultraviolet substance after lights were seem in the sky and
some of those coated were later found mutilated.
I'm not convinced these
'Aliens' come from other planets or star systems, but they may. Why is it
impossible for them to have lived here on earth since the beginning of time.
Perhaps they are simply a highly intelligent species that has always lived here
on earth and have the ability to travel into space as we do.
Perhaps they are even a previous generation that
explored space and came back in a deformed state. The Jewish Kabballah states
that the tower of Babel was really a method to explore space to try to wage war
with G-d. Jewish commentators from before the modern age comment that it
was a tower with fire underneath (a rocket?) It states that they went to the
moon but came back as monkeys. Maybe they mastered time travel but it
had disastrous effects! The Kabballah also mentions that many of the
Jewish sages of olden times could create a 'flying tower' - some people have
claimed to see UFO's that look like a building flying through the air. Another
explanation is that the people of the Tower of Babel
(the Sumerian's with Nimrod as their leader) had the ability to
capture demons (the grey's and harmful beings?) and angels (benevolent
beings) and they used their knowledge to build supernatural craft that could fly
up to the ends of the heavens. Their goal was to enable themselves to free
themselves from the Supreme Being - an obviously stupid proposition, but they
tried anyway. In fact some commentators go as far as to say that human spirit is
so great that they actually may have had a chance of success (since G-d
generally hides himself from humanity and does not perform miracles except in
exceptional circumstances) and therefore G-d confused their language so
that they would not achieve this goal. Without human unity people will fight and
thats what we see through all generations since that time - war after war. Many
abductee's mention that they have seen humans during abductions. Since it is
possible to use angels and demons for ones own use if they are 'captured' -
perhaps some secret agency is using them to do things they could not, such as
abducting people and using animals for genetic experiments. That would be
more frightening in a way, that simple alien abduction.
Going back to aliens, there do seem to be two kinds, those that
seem to have what we would call evil intentions and those who are benevolent and
helpful. It seems that these two forces may be fighting each other (perhaps what
religions call the war of the forces of bad against good). The Jewish texts also
states that there may be beings that come from other planets - this may be in
addition to angels and demons. In fact one such civilization is
punished according some texts because they never came to aid Israel
against Sennacherib, king of Assyria. It's also possible they are beings
from other dimensions. The Kabballah says there are 8 different
They may also be time travelers, or simply there may be
places in the world where time is distorted and people are moved momentarily to
a different time. Such reports have been heard of people seeing or
even being in a past time and reporting on events that happened, and possibly
even bring proof that they saw objects in a certain location - which only later
was discovered to be true. See the Moberly-Joudain incident HERE and
the case - if these UFO's and abductions are real - what is the purpose and why
the mutilation of animals and why are people returned after having various
procedures, such as having semen removed or pregnancy implants into woman? It
could be that these beings cannot reproduce without human aid - could it be that
they need to construct their own children, Frankenstein way - by using parts
from animals and then using human sperm and wombs for producing their
Another possibility is that they are supernatural spiritual
type beings that don't have the one thing that only humans have - and that is
free-will to do good or bad. Jewish texts state that the spiritual beings
don't have free will. That may explain the Bible when it states that the angels
desired woman and married them - creating giants. Why did they desire them,
surely angelic woman must be more beautiful than human woman - perhaps they
desired to have free-will like humans and that was their desire. Perhaps this
latest abduction spree is a repetition of that desire in olden times. Many
abductee's feel that their abductors have no feelings - that would be
because they have no free will. They may not understand how abduction could be
painful to humans. Could it be that in the cases of human mutilations, if they
exist, it is when the human subject became too violent for the captors forcing
them to defend themselves with fatal consequences?! Once the subject is killed
the mutilation takes place as they have no respect for the human body. Could it
be that some of these beings are so evil that they would kill people and even
eat them? According to Jewish texts there are some very evil entities reserved
for punishing exceedingly evil people. I once heard or saw and article that
stated that the US government is keeping this a secret because human remains
have been found in some saucer crashes. That would certainly be enough to scare
the population of the US, although by in large, most abductee's seem to be
Often people abducted claim that they were told by the aliens
that 'they cannot interfere' to protect the earth - it seems to be a recurring
theme that they tell humans about how they are destroying the world. It seems
they cannot interfere directly. The secrecy and the illusive nature of these
craft would suggest that they cannot interfere or be seen, although it seems
that they have difficulty in meeting these restrictions, especially since the
advent of the video camera. The fact that they do interfere and abduct people
and take animals seems to be ironic if they 'are not allowed to
In case this post made you feel uneasy - here is a clip to
cheer you up (if you're not a farmer that has lost cows to this
UFOs and Bigfoot - I pretty
much agree with Tina's post linked below about Syfy's Secret Government
Warehouses special, but I did like the Montauk part with Richard Dolan and...
4 hours ago
"such as the Benny and Barney Hill story"
I now have this image of Benny Hill being chased around in fast motion by a bevy of sexy lingerie-clad anal probe-carrying alien females... all to the strains of "Yakety Sax"! LMAO here!!
Yeah, I can see your point - it would certainly be portrayed the way you portray it on the Benny Hill show. I actually meant to write Betty and Barney Hill story - LOL
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